📅 21 March 2024 | 10am - 11am (GMT+8)

Webinar sponsored by G&W Electric

What is the current state of power grid automation? Uncover the why (and a little of the how) utilities and operators can improve their system reliability through script or model-based distribution automation.

Key takeaways for this session include:

  • How automation implementation drives revenue, crew safety and shortens power restoration times
  • Static Response vs Dynamic Response: what are some differences between human programming and machine learning
  • Case studies of successful implementations

Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain practical insights from the subject matter expert! Harness model-based automation solutions to unlock increased customer satisfaction and swifter response time when outages strike.


Registration is free!

About the Presenter

Kate M. Cummings, Manager, Power Grid Automation, G&W Electric

Kate Cummings started at G&W Electric in 2008 in the production electronics engineering group where one of her responsibilities was to assist customers in customizing and implementing ATC programs (auto transfer based on loss of voltage).

Kate is currently Manager, Power Grid Automation, Distribution Automation group. She assists customers in specifying automation packages to fit their system needs and requirements. She also participated in the design and installation of the microgrid at G&W Electric’s headquarters.

Kate earned a BSEE in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Kate is an active participant in IEE PES and NEMA.


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