
Collaboration is key to ASEAN's energy transition!

There can be no transition without transmission. In order to achieve 2050 net-zero goals, collaboration across all levels - national, regional, and global - will be key to accelerate ASEAN's energy transition.

Specifically on the technology front, regional utilities and IPPs are seeking knowledge transfer on essential technologies for transition such as carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS), smart grid, and green hydrogen. ASEAN states are also doubling down on efforts to facilitate regional infrastructure expansion such as the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) to enable more cross-border renewable energy trades.

However, national grids need to be modernised and regional utilities want to hear from you!


Who Should Exhibit:

  • AMI
  • Asset Management
  • Cables/Transmission Lines
  • Consultants
  • CRM & Billing
  • Customer Engagement
  • Distribution Grid Reliability
  • Energy Services & Energy Management
  • Energy Storage for Substations
  • FACTS Servicing & Reliability Solutions
  • Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)
  • Grid Resilience
  • Grid Stabilisation
  • HVDC
  • Low Voltage Products & Systems
  • Measurement, Controls & Tracking Systems Back-up
  • Medium Voltage Distribution & Grid Automation
  • Microgrids
  • Substation Engineering
  • Substation Inspection Robot
  • Virtual Power Plants (VPP)

Who Will You Meet:

  • Utilities
  • Government Agencies
  • Investment Firms and Financiers
  • Consultants and Service Providers
  • Technology and Equipment Suppliers
  • Research Institutions & Universities
  • Industry Associations & NGOs

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