an annual conference and exhibition for the power and energy sector, showcasing expert knowledge, innovative solutions and foresight from industry leaders, coherent with ASEAN's strategy to achieve a smooth transition towards a low-carbon energy future.​

About Enlit Asia

Enlit Asia engages power and energy professionals in Southeast Asia year-round to connect, educate and advance the energy transition.

Whether it be digitally or in-person at live events, we bring the industry together to improve the availability, reliability and sustainability of energy in the region.

At Enlit Asia, we aim to break down silos and foster greater collaboration across the industry by connecting and engaging all stakeholders in the ASEAN energy sector, from policymakers and regulators to technology providers and energy consumers, as well as bringing in international perspective from US, Europe, and Australia into one single platform to take action towards a sustainable energy future for Southeast Asia.

About Enlit Asia

Enlit Asia 2024, inspired by Malaysia's the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR), is a fuel-agnostic platform that enables the energy transition from Malaysia to the region. Armed with first-hand content provided by the industry, Enlit Asia 2024 is themed “Enabling a Multidimensional Energy Transition in ASEAN” and will be held 8 – 10 October 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Kuala Lumpur city

Why Malaysia in 2024?

Malaysia, a Southeast Asian economic powerhouse, stands second in regional business maturity and competitiveness, with energy-intensive industries constituting a substantial 28% of its GDP and employing a quarter of its workforce. To address surging energy consumption and global climate challenges, Malaysia introduced its National Energy Transition Roadmap in July 2023, expected to attract over RM25 billion in investment, create 23,000 jobs, and slash annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10,000 Gg CO2eq.

Join us as we work together to provide a sustainable energy pathway to support Malaysia’s energy transition in tandem with the NETR and existing RE policies:

  • Support the creation of large-scale RE and designated RE Zones with zero-carbon cities
  • Enable Green Hydrogen production plants and the creating of Malaysia’s Hydrogen Economy
  • Deliver a low-carbon national energy mix supported by emissions reduction technology, biomass and co-firing
  • Provide supporting technology for future carbon capture and storage catalyst projects
  • Support the establishment of an electricity exchange system to allow cross-border renewable energy trade, building on the ASEAN power grid initiative
  • Bolster the national power grid to accommodate higher renewable energy uptake, introducing smart grid features and support broadening access to third parties

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