Conference Agenda 2024
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Workshop E
10:00 - 10:30
Registration and Morning Coffee
10:30 - 10:45
Opening and Welcome remarks by MyCIE
10:45 - 11:30
Topic 1: Highly efficient LEDs - More barriers to break?
Speaker: David Lacey, Director of Advanced Development & Services, R&D, OSRAM
Topic 2: The Malaysian lighting industry - Challenges and Opportunities
Speaker: Dr. CT Siew, Chairman of MyCIE
Topic 4: Human Centric Lighting - The Energy Trade-off
Speaker: Prof. Vineetha Kalavally, Associate Professor, Monash University
Topic 5: Lighting Standards - Influence on promoting Energy Efficiency
Speaker: Mr. Hussalmizzar Hussain, Senior Director of Standardisation,
Department of Standards Malaysia
Topic 6: Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Conservation Act (EECA)
Speaker: Ir Ts Zulkiflee Umar, Deputy Director of Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Department of Industry Operation, Energy Commission
11:30 - 12:20
Panel discussion and Q&A
Moderator: Ir. Dr. Narendren Rengasamy, Treasurer of MyCIE, MyCIE
12:20 - 12:30
Closing Remarks and Group Photo